Practice Areas
Beacon Law specializes in the these areas for central Virginia. Please scroll down or click on a link below.

Family Law
“Family quarrels are bitter things. They don’t go by any rules. They’re not like aches or wounds; they’re more like splits in the skin that won’t heal because there’s not enough material.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Family Law” refers to many issues that, in one way or another, are unique to how our society considers the concept of a “family.” Remember, though, that “family” has changed—especially over the past 30 years. Families are not limited to a working dad and a mom who stays at home with the kids.
When family disagreements arise, the underlying issues are often the most difficult to manage. Why? We are hurt most by the people we trust most. If you face these issues, you need Beacon Law to guide you every step of the way.
Generally, family law cases include the following types of issues:
- Adoption
- Child in Need of Services (CHINS)
- Child in Need of Supervision (CHINSup)
- Child support
- Court orders (amendments, enforcement, and violations)
- Custody
- Emancipation
- Foster Care
- Grandparent interests
- Guardianship
- Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
- Parental relocation
- Paternity
- Protective orders
- Removals
- Termination of parental rights
- Uncontested divorce
- Visitation
Admittedly, most family law attorneys assist clients with divorce. Such attorneys may say that attorneys who do not handle divorce are not family law attorneys. While this perspective has merit, contested divorces often turn into battles about “stuff.” Beacon Law has decided to focus on children instead of stuff. Accordingly, Beacon Law does not handle contested divorce.

Criminal Law
“A majority held in restraint by constitutional checks and limitations…is the only true sovereign of a free people. Whoever rejects it does of necessity fly to anarchy or to despotism.” – Abraham Lincoln
Sometimes bad things happen to good people. The volatile area of criminal law is not just applicable to “criminals” or “bad people.” Poor choices, difficult circumstances, bad timing, or even a spiteful acquaintance can lead to a criminal charge.
Beacon Law does not exist to judge anyone. Rather, Beacon Law wants to help people during the stressful times that come with criminal cases.
Common issues include:
- Abduction and kidnapping
- Arson and related crimes
- Assault and battery
- Bad checks
- Bond hearings
- Burglary
- Conspiracy and attempt crimes
- Credit card theft
- Disorderly conduct
- Driving on suspended/without a license
- Drugs and alcohol
- Forgery
- Grand larceny, petit larceny and related crimes
- Hit-and-Run
- Illegal gambling
- Impersonation
- Malicious wounding
- Probation violations
- Profane language
- Possession/distribution of drugs or alcohol
- Reckless driving
- Resisting arrest
- Robbery
- Sex crimes
- Speeding
- Trespassing and related crimes
- Uttering

Juvenile Law
“I think it’s important for us as a society to remember that the youth within juvenile justice systems are, most of the time, youths who simply haven’t had the right mentors and supporters around them – because of circumstances beyond their control.” – Q’orianka Kilcher
Children are the future of our country. The law protects them just as it does anyone else, even when they run afoul of the law.
Beacon Law will work to secure fair and just treatment for minors in need of legal counsel for such issues as:
- Alcohol and drug-related offenses
- Child in Need of Services (CHINS)
- Child in Need of Supervision (CHINSup)
- Computer and internet-related offenses
- Criminal offenses against others
- Disorderly conduct
- Gang-related offenses
- School Seach and Seizure
- Traffic/Driving offenses
- Truancy
- Sex offenses
- Weapons-related offenses

Estate Documents / Elder Law
“When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.” – Thomas Paine
It is never too early to plan for the future—illness and death can occur without warning. Let Beacon Law help you prepare some basic documents that will provide some peace of mind to you and your family:
- Advanced medical directive
- Last Will and Testament
- Power of Attorney
When a loved one gets older or becomes incapacitated, you or someone else may feel the need to request authority over their care or finances. Often these decisions can be emotional. Beacon Law can represent you or your loved one in your petitions to the court as counsel or as guardian ad litem.
- Conservatorship
- Guardianship
- Nursing home problems

Education Law
The obligations and purposes of law and government are to protect public health, safety, and morals, and to advance the general welfare” including, preeminently, protecting people’s fundamental rights and basic liberties.” – Robert P. George
Every child is entitled to an education and the law protects the rights of students and educational agencies.
Beacon Law can help you with these common education-related legal issues:
- Bullying
- Civil rights
- Discipline, suspensions and expulsions
- Residency issues
- Special education
- Transportation issues
- Truancy
Schedule a Free Consultation
Call today if you have legal needs in Central Virginia.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4131
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Fax: 434-509-0221
Hours: M-F 8am - 6pm